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Role Of Wills In A Massachusetts Estate Plan

What Is A Will And Are There Different Types Of Wills That Can Be Used In Massachusetts?

Role Of Wills In A Massachusetts Estate PlanA will is a legal document that specifies what you want to happen to your assets upon your death. It details who you want to be the personal representative of your estate and can also designate a guardian for your minor children.

There aren’t different types of wills. Then again, a will isn’t necessarily ideal for distributing out assets, because you do have to go through the probate process. In order to avoid probate, you would want to have a trust.

Is A Will Enough On Its Own In Massachusetts Or Do I Need Other Estate Planning Documents As Well?

In Massachusetts, having a trust will allow you to avoid the probate process. A power of attorney and a healthcare proxy is also extremely advisable for you to have in addition to your will. For more information on Role Of Wills In A Massachusetts Estate Plan, an initial consultation is your next best step.

Joshua Cali, Esq.

Call For Free Consultation

(508) 233-2305

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